• Throughout the year, St Joseph hosts many after school activities such as:

    • Drama Program
    • Ski Club
    • Cross Country 
    • Sportszone
    • Sports Zone
    • Chess Club
    • Ukulele/Guitar lessons with Sarrin Music
    • Let Go your Mind

    Most of these programs will run from 6-10 weeks.  Please check the Parent's blog for upcoming schedules and sign ups.



    Welcome to St. Joseph School After-School Program.


    Saint Joseph School is happy to announce the Afterschool Program for the School Year 2024-2025 for all students enrolled in Grades K to 4 and for students enrolled in Grades 5 to 8 who participate in the program during the school year 2023-2024.

    The K to 8 Afterschool Program runs from September 2024 through June 2025; Monday through Friday, from the end of the school day until 5:30 pm. The program is closed on school holidays. Fees are:

    $35 per day for the first child.

    $20 per day for each additional child of the same family.

    You can select, month by month, the days of the week in which your child will attend the program. Selections must be made on the day indicated each month for the following month.

    Fees will be assessed based on the selection made and cannot be refunded. They apply for each day you commit your child to attend the program during the month. Additional days can be requested.

    Fees must be paid through FACTS. Charges will appear in your FACTS financial statement at the beginning of each month.




    1. Login to St. Joseph Family Portal and select Web Forms - K to 8 Afterschool Program 

  • Homework Club

    Posted by Sai Saroopya Bhashyam on 4/15/2023

    Homework Club

    The Homework Club will be available Monday thru Thursday afternoons, from 2:15 – 3:15 from September to May. This after school program is offered to students in grades K- 4.

    The purpose of our Homework Club is to provide a supportive setting in which a student can complete homework assignments, and plan for upcoming assignments and projects. Students may attend some days or every day.

    ***Please note that on the second Tuesday of every month there will not be Homework Club due to regularly scheduled faculty meetings.

    The cost to participate in Homework Club is $10 per day/child. Payments will be processed through FACTS.

    Please complete this registration form and return it to the main office if you would like your child to attend.  

    For more information contact Irene King aparris@stjosephschoolwakefield.org


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By Month