Christian Service Program (CSP)
The Christian Service Program at Saint Joseph School is a vital component to our school’s success and is a cornerstone of family involvement in the education of our children. Commitment to and involvement in our Christian Service Program is crucial for the continued growth and development of our school and its students. Participating in the Christian Service Program brings us together with other school families and creates a greater sense of community, by enabling each of us to share our special skills and talents, and make our school a better place. The program also serves as a tool to keep tuition costs down.
You can find the original letter and form link here. If you do not return your form and/or choose not to participate, you will be assessed the $500 opt-out fee.
Who Particpates:All Saint Joseph School families who have children in the main school building (K-8th grade) participate in the Christian Service Program. Families of students in the Saint Joseph School Early Childhood Program may participate, but are not required to do so. Parents or extended family members (e.g. grandparents, aunts or uncles) can fulfill the requirement. Participants must complete and pass a requisite CORI check. In the event that an extended family member cannot fulfill their assigned duties, the student’s immediate family is required to meet the requirements.Benefits of Participating:The Christian Service Program benefits the school, us as parents, and most importantly our children. The school community is strengthened as relationships among school families are created and deepened. Children benefit by seeing adults as role-models, as well as service and volunteerism in action. Daytime activities increase interactions between teachers and families and allow families to interact with their child(ren) and their peers. Costs are contained because without volunteers, tuition would increase.What Services are Part of the Program:This opportunity allows families to contribute their unique skills and talents to enrich the school environment and their child’s education. Each family donates their time and talent to essential school programs or initiatives, such as fundraisers, committees, extracurricular activities, lunch programs, or social events.When & Where:There are opportunities available both during the school day and after school hours. Many positions are available for working parents and the requirements can be fulfilled on evenings and weekends. Depending on the specific position, Christian Service requirements can be met at school, off-site, or at home.