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  • Saint Joseph School endowment funds provide financial support to Saint Joseph School and its students, and at the same time commemorate the lives of the exceptional individuals for which they are named. The Memorial Funds offer a variety of opportunities to provide financial aid to deserving school families, while the Saint Joseph the Worker Fund enhances the financial stability of Saint Joseph School itself. Other funds are endowed to support specific purposes. Making a donation to honor a loved one, or to mark a special occasion or achievement such as a birthday, graduation or anniversary, is a wonderful way to show recognition and at the same time lend much needed support to Saint Joseph School and its students. Your tax-deductible gifts build healthy endowments, ensuring quality Catholic education now and for generations to come.


    The Marcia Browne Memorial Fund:

    Established in 2005 by the family and friends of Marcia Browne, the Marcia Browne Memorial Fund provides tuition assistance to needy families of Saint Joseph School and is a fitting tribute to Marcia, whose untimely death has left a tremendous void in the lives of those who knew her. Marcia was the proud parent of two Saint Joseph School students and an active member of both the school and the parish. She served as an officer of the Parent Teacher Association, played an integral role in many of the school’s fundraising initiatives and was an advocate for the school in the community. Marcia believed strongly in Catholic education and the benefits of the safe, nurturing learning environment that Saint Joseph School provides.

    Marcia often expressed how fortunate she and her family were to be members of the Saint Joseph School community. Her deep compassion for others was exemplified in the way she lived her life. She positively affected the lives of many. Marcia would be pleased to know that this memorial fund assists others to experience all that Saint Joseph School offers.

    The Danielle Grenham Memorial Fund:

    This fund was established in 2003 by Diane and James Grenham, in loving memory of their daughter, Danielle, who graduated from Saint Joseph School in 1989. The Danielle Grenham Memorial Fund provides financial aid to families who need tuition assistance.

    The John J. McCarthy, Sr. Memorial Fund:

    The John J. McCarthy, Sr. Memorial Fund was established by the family and friends of John J. McCarthy, Sr. A life-long Wakefield resident, a husband, father, grandfather, and a graduate of Saint Joseph School, John was an active member of Saint Joseph Parish and a long-time supporter of the parish school he loved so much. After graduating from Saint Joseph School, John went on to graduate from Wakefield High School, serve in the US Navy during World War II, and graduate from Boston University before beginning his 40-year public service career for the Town of Wakefield.

    John J. McCarthy, Sr. accomplished much in his lifetime, both personally and professionally, yet was most proud of the fact that his six grandchildren attended Saint Joseph School. The John J. McCarthy, Sr. Memorial Fund provides financial aid to families who need tuition assistance.

    The Mary J. Cammarata-Tarmey Memorial Fund:

    Established in 1999, in loving memory of Mary J. Cammarata-Tarmey, by her parents, Rocco and Louise Cammarata, this fund stands as a living legacy to the warm, compassionate and giving spirit that Mary embodied throughout her life. As an endowment, the Mary J. Cammarata-Tarmey Memorial Fund will ensure that the memory of Mary will live on by providing tuition assistance to needy families.

    The Father David Memorial Endowment Fund:

    Father David was born and raised in Taunton, MA, attended St. Joseph Grammar School, Coyle High School and entered the seminary of the Montfort Fathers in New York before graduating from Boston College. A late vocation to the Archdiocese of Boston, he was ordained May 21, 1994. Father David came to St. Joseph’s Parish, Wakefield in 2000 after serving at St. Mary’s Parish in Franklin. He was an associate priest at St. Joseph’s Parish until June 2005 when he was named Pastor of Saint Elizabeth’s Parish in Milton.

    During his tenure at St. Joseph’s Parish, Father David worked closely with the students of St. Joseph School educating them in the Catholic faith. He was also responsible for training the Parish Altar Servers, many of whom were St. Joseph School students. Father David’s Memorial Endowment Fund will provide tuition assistance to St. Joseph School families.

    The Sister Mary Lou Graziano, SND Fund:

    The Saint Joseph School Community proudly established this endowment in recognition of Sister Mary Lou Graziano’s many years of service as Principal, from 1994-2007.

    Building a just and peaceful society is at the heart of spirituality, the core of one’s faith and the essence of Catholic Education. Thus, in keeping with the mission of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, the purpose of this fund is to help train young children to serve the needs of the poor throughout their local and world environments."Believe and live the Goodness of God."

    The Reverend Michael L. Steele Fund:

    This fund was established in 2002 by the Saint Joseph School community to honor Father Steele’s 25th anniversary of ordination and to recognize his contribututions to Saint Joseph School. The Reverend Michael L. Steele Fund provides financial aid to families who need tuition assistance.

    Saint Joseph The Worker Fund:

    This fund is named in honor of Saint Joseph, our patron saint. It provides funding for all school related activities including general maintenance and the purchase of textbooks, library books and student subscriptions, as well as new technology and equipment. The Worker Fund is supported annually by fund-raising and the Annual Campaign.  

    How to Give:

    Endowment gifts come in all sizes. Please send contributions to Saint Joseph School, 15 Gould Street, Wakefield, MA 01880. Be sure to indicate the appropriate fund when sending your gift. In appreciation of your thoughtfulness, an acknowledgement of your gift will be sent to the honoree or to the family of the person whom you have chosen to memorialize.

    "Each child who spends time in Saint Joseph School is a gift to us.  It is our responsibility to cherish that gift."

    -Sr. Mary Lou, SND

    Please download a copy of our Endowment brochure below.

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